2312: Deepening the Understanding of the Enneagram Personali

Deepening the Understanding of the Enneagram Personality System for Clinicians. In this presentation, the focus will be on three key concepts of the Enneagram Personality Typology System (EPS): how the law of three works in all interactions; how to assist clients in recognizing and transforming a disordered need for security, esteem, or control; and how to integrate the three centers of awareness, including a trauma-informed perspective. An introductory familiarity with the EPS is helpful, but not necessary for getting the full benefit from this workshop.  Presented by:  Andrea "Ani" Vidrine, LCSW.  3.0 Clinical.  Member:  $50 / Non-Member $85.


Cancellations must be submitted in writing and received at least 5 days prior to the workshop. An administrative fee of $15 will be deducted from reimbursement.

4/28/2023 1:00 PM - 4:15 PM


Saturday, 29 April 2023

4/29/2023 2:00 AM - 5/13/2023 11:59 PM
4/29/2023 2:00 AM

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